Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Playing with fire by Katie MacAlister

Part 1 of the Silver Dragons series

May was created by a demon lord from her naiad "twin" Cyrene's shadow in exchange for her sister's "common sense". She is also a doppelganger which gives May the ability to shadow-walk or to become almost invisible in the shadows which is quite useful her "career". But May is bound to the former silent film-star demon lord who created her, and forced to obey his commands to steal for him.

May meets Gabriel Drake when she stumbles onto Drake's estate while attempting to return a stolen item that had put a price on her head. Quite by accident Gabriel discovers that May is a wyvern's mate and seeks to claim her. The ever sensible May tries to refuse Gabriel, knowing the danger the demon poses - May has spent her life avoiding relationships knowing that should she take a lover the demon lord who wants May's body would likely order May to kill her lover. But Gabriel assures May that dragons are not so easy to get rid of and of course Gabriel is totally irresistible, so May lets Gabriel claim her in a fiery joining that literally burns up the sheets.

But all is not smooth sailing for May and Gabriel, May will have to outsmart the demon lord or risk an eternity in Abbandon to avoid betraying Gabriel when her demon-lord commands a theft of a powerful artifact that will put all the dragons under the demon lord's control.

I read this from a recommendation of a friend and while it was ok I just kept getting annoyed by May and her stupid sister who kept getting her into these messes. I will admit I have not read anything by MacAlister before and did enjoy her almost Bridgette Jones way of writing. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had read it versus listening to it on CD. I found the reader very whiney and that annoyed me as well. So I'll give it another chance as the book ended on a cliff hanger!