Monday, March 10, 2008

Pardonable lies : a Maisie Dobbs novel by Jacqueline Winspear
Maisie Dobbs has been operating her detective cum psychiatric agency for more than a year. Her mentor, Maurice Blanche, a cross between Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot, has retired and she has been successful on her own. She becomes involved with three cases: proving the innocence of a 13-year-old farm girl, Avril Jarvis, accused of murder; undertaking a search for Sir Cecil Lawton's only son, a pilot shot down behind enemy lines in WWI, whose body was never recovered; and looking into the circumstances of the death of her university friend Priscilla Evernden Partridge's brother in France during the war. Maisie must go back to the region where, 13 years earlier, she served as a nurse, and confront her memories of mud, blood and loss.

I enjoy the Maisie Dobbs novels as they have a bit of suspense and esp tied into the mystery plus you really feel like you are there in the 1930's living her life. I met the author a few years ago and she was quite interesting to hear speak about her writing and her characters. She has found a good niche.