Sunday, February 21, 2010

Red by Jordan Summers

Dead World series

This ia futuristic paranormal romance set in an ecologically desolate 2160. Gina "Red" Santiago, is the lone woman in the elite international tactical team commanded by the grandfather who raised her. While off-duty she travels to Nuria in the Republic of Arizona to investigate a woman's mysterious, brutal death. Gina is nicknamed Red as whenever she is in conflict there is bloodshed and it's isn't hers.

Gina doesn't believe in the rumors of supersoldiers, vampires and werewolves created by a secret government genetic engineering project, until she learns that almost everyone in Nuria is a werewolf and finds herself powerfully attracted to lycanthrope sheriff Morgan Hunter even as she connects others in his pack to the murder investigation.

Kind of an odd supernatural, futuristic romance. But I did like the association to Little Red Riding Hood.