Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Jemima J. by Jane Green - Jemima Jones is not happy with her life. She is overweight, lives with two room mates she despises, works a job she hates, Ben, the man she loves, only wants to be her friend and there seems to be no hope in sight. Then she discovers the Internet where you can be whoever you want to be and changes her name to JJ. After meeting Brad from LA online Jemima decides to become in reality the person she has been pretending to be online, thin athletic popular and a news presenter. After joining a local gym and practically starving herself she loses over 100 lbs. in a matter of months. She then flies out to Los Angeles to meet the new man of her dreams, who more than meets her expectations. But as is with most of life nothing as it appears. Will she ever find happiness? Find out by reading this funny book, very similar to Bridget Jones' Diary.