Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life as we knew it by Susan Beth Pfeffer

It's almost the end of Miranda's sophomore year in high school, and her journal reflects the busy life of a typical teenager: conversations with friends, fights with mom, and fervent hopes for a driver's license. When Miranda first begins hearing the reports of a meteor on a collision course with the moon, it hardly seems worth a mention in her diary. But after the meteor hits, pushing the moon off its axis and causing worldwide earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes, all the things Miranda used to take for granted begin to disappear. Food and gas shortages, along with extreme weather changes, come to her small Pennsylvania town; and Miranda's voice is by turns petulant, angry, and finally resigned, as her family is forced to make tough choices while they consider their increasingly limited options.

Told in diary entries we see the shock and fear that develop when the world seems like it is coming to an end. Is there hope or even a chance of life going back to normal? Who knows? How would you react if the same situation? Would it be only yourself first or would you help others? This book really makes you think about what would happen if I was in her place? What really matters is one keeps their humanity yet still survive.

I had read about this book before and found the story really intriguing. Because of the diary entries the fear and horror of death is distant but yet it is there on the edge creeping in. This is for both teens and adults as it is something that could be our future.