Friday, December 08, 2006

Friends, Lovers and Chocolate by Alexander McCall Smith
2nd in the Sunday Philosopher's Club
Isabel’s niece, Cat, asks Isabel to run her delicatessen while she attends a wedding in Italy. There Isabel meets a man with a most interesting problem. He recently had a heart transplant and is suddenly plagued with memories of events that never happened to him. The situation appeals to Isabel as a philosophical question: Is the heart truly the seat of the soul? And it piques her insatiable curiosity: Could the memories be connected with the donor’s demise? Of course, Grace—Isabel’s no-nonsense housekeeper—and Isabel’s friend Jamie think it is none of Isabel’s business. Meanwhile, Cat brings home an Italian lothario, who, in accordance with all that Isabel knows about Italian lotharios, shouldn’t be trusted . . . but, goodness, he is charming.

I really liked this installment better than the first title. I think because there really wasn't a mystery. I have a much better opinion of this series as I really could relate to the philosophy aspect more.