Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bloodsucking Fiends : a love story by Christopher Moore

Tommy Flood, a teenaged Jack Kerouac wannabe, leaves his home in Indiana to search for his artistic muse and some adventure. He lands in San Franscico and changes his name to C. Thomas Flood to give the appearance he is a writer. His introduction to San Francisco is having his car blow up near Chinatown. His first apartment is sharing a single room with 5 men named Wong, and every morning he wakes up to find flowers on his bed. He finds out later that all 5 Wongs are here illegially and are looking to get married. Since this is San Francisco they figure a guy will work just fine. Tommy decides that this living arrangement is not going to work plus he has to find a job since his money is almost gone. And he still hasn't written a word.

What he finds is Jody, a beautiful redhead who has recently been transformed into a vampire and is trying to find a way to cope with her new "life." Together they go on a giddy romp of San Francisco, dealing with the occasional corpse, some suspicious cops, and a nasty old vampire. They also discover some surprising truths about morality, love, and the mechanics of vampirism along the way.

This book has been on my to read list for such a long time that I'm glad that I finally made the effort to read it. I'm looking forward to reading other books by Moore and seeing as there are sequels out there. This is not for the serious vampire book readers but those of us who enjoy a romp on the wild side.