Monday, April 05, 2010

Scalped Vol 2 - Casino Boogie by Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera

Sequel to Indian Country the larger focus of this volume as each story part takes place on opening night of the Crazy Horse Casino on The Prairie Rose Reservation. Each chapter's opening pages uses flashback sequences which setup the focus of each part on a particular. This perspective gives us a chance to see where the person came from. Red Crow's grim and murderous determination is really the center piece in my opinion, as his actions have a grand, sweeping effect on all the other characters to say nothing of the fact that it's HIS casino that's opening.

The larger tapestry of the ongoing story is fleshed out plus a few new wrinkles are added to complicate matters for the residents of The Prairie Rose Reservation. Is Dash the only undercover FBI agent operating on The Rez? What is Red Crow's involvement with Hmong ganglords hailing from St. Paul, Minnesota and who is this "Mr. Brass" they've sent out to "help" him with his local troubles? What does Catcher's vision mean and what can we possibly expect from such bizarre individual as he? Probably the most moving storyline is about young Dino Poor Bear, who only wants to leave the rez but once he is given the money he can't do it. He is too attached to his family and what he is familiar with and is almost a parallel between him and young Dash.

Interesting enough this collection ends with a very simliar ending as the first with the body of Dash's mother laying scalped on the ground. We do have more clues as we see what she was doing the few days before her death.

Now I'm ready for volume 3 - thank goodness for ILL.