Friday, August 29, 2003

Monsieur Pamplemousse by Michale Bond who created Paddington Bear has written these delightful French mysteries. Monsieur Pamplemousse and his trusty bloodhound Pommes Frites are traveling through out France taking an extended vacation to stay at the famed La Langoustine. Pamplemousse is really undercover working for "Le Guide" France's premier guide to cuisine. But he quickly discovers that nothing is as it appears including himself when he tells one of the other people staying at the hotel who is an amputee that he has two artificial wooden legs. The word travels fast and before he knows it everyone wants to see him without his pants on. So much happens in this first novel of the series that I don't want to spoil it for anyone but it reads really fast.

I have read this series many times but enjoy reading it over and over again. It is so delightful and relaxing. The story takes place from both Pamplemosse and Pommes Frites. I wish it was still in print but at least more still keep coming. The only downside is the French isn't translated but I get the general jist of it.