Monday, February 28, 2011
Dexter is Delicious by Jeff Lindsay
5th book featuring, Dexter, who works as a blood-spatter expert for the Miami Police Department. This book continues where the previous one left off - but now he’s got a new baby, a beautiful little girl. So Dexter decides he really, really wants to live like a normal human, to leave his Dark Passenger behind and stop all this murder stuff. But his Dark Passenger isn't ready to leave and now his left for dead dead brother, Brian, is back. We left him at the end of book 1. Brian starts bonding with Dexter's family as Deborah, his sister, keeps insisting that Dexter help her with the case that involve missing girls, vampirism, and cannibalism. And honestly it is making it difficult keeping his homicidal urges in check.
Part of the charm of these books is the dialog Dexter has with us (the readers). His use of witty and sarcastic dialog makes for a fun read. Interesting enough Dexter only kills one person and he really, really deserved it. It isn't the strongest of the series but definitely back on track after book 3 that I really did not like at all.