The cat, the quilt and the corpse : a cats in trouble mystery by Leann Sweeney
Jillian Hart's cat is allergic to people. When she returns home from a quilt show, the sneezing of her cat Chablis raises a red flag. Jillian uses a special shampoo and takes precautions so Chablis has no reactions to her. The sneezing can mean only one thing. Someone has been in her home while she was away. A further examination of the premises reveals that her Abyssinian cat Syrah is nowhere to be found. Convinced that Syrah has been kidnapped, Jillian Hart starts her own investigation, an investigation which leads her to stories of more missing cats and a murder.
Living in a small town South Carolina Jillian hasn't really bonded with anyone as her husband died just after they moved their earlier that year. So everyone knows her business but she is oblivious to what has been going on around her. Her world centers around cats, not only her beautiful rescue cats but she imparts her knowledge and love of cats in everything she does. She makes little cat quilts as a business and for the local shelter. When her cat quilts show up at the murder scene, the clues become even more mysterious and the stakes more personal. As she narrows down the possible suspects, Jillian suspects more cats are in trouble and she might just need to save herself as well.
The ending was unexpected as I really didn't have the killer figured out and enjoyed Jillian try to figure out the small town politics and find connections when she has been isolated for so long.
This was a fun cat mystery that has the flavor of the Cat Who books which used to be one of my favorite series from my high school days. It makes a nice change from traditional cozy mysteries. I'm looking forward to more by this author.