Before he goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry, along with his new friend the giant Hagrid, go to Diagon Alley, a magical bazaar. Harry discovers that he is really famous among wizards for conquering an evil Wizard named Vo - um - He Who Must Not Be Named. Along the way, we learn that Voldemort is after a magical artifact called the Sorcerer's Stone (which was, unfortunately, changed from the UK original title of Philosopher's Stone" in all other regions).
In this novel we get the first ever glimpses of Hogwarts, Voldemort, Quidditch, Dumbledore, Severus Snape, muggles, the Forbidden Forest, the Invisibility Cloak, and any other number of thins Rowling's magical confectionery of an imagination has cooked up for us.
I remember reading this book in early 1999 and being amazed by how fun it was to read and incredulous that the Phoenix library had to import a British edition for us to read. I've have read this book so many times and especially love hearing it read by Jim Dale.