Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas
The Nolan men all live on San Juan Island in Friday Harbor. Their family was never really a family and while all 3 live on the same Island have very little to do with each other. Christmas for them is just another day. But tragedy strikes when their only sister dies in a car accident and she gives legal guardianship to her brother Mark. A single guy in his prime Mark doesn't know what to do. He persuades his brother Sam to share responsibility and he and Holly move in with him. But their niece Holly has been traumatized and can't or won't speak since the accident.

This has a feel of a series and after reading the author's website that is confirmed. You can see each brother has issues with relationships and intimacy. While this was a short Christmas novel - barely 200 pages, it was engaging and the perfect read for an airplane ride. I hope a bit more depth goes into the future books but this is a intriguing introduction.