Koko Be Good by Jen Wang
Jon is a recent college graduate planning to follow his older girlfriend to Peru to work for an orphanage, and his story, starts the book. In the midst of his existential crisis, he meets Koko, an eccentric, sometimes almost feral young woman who ricochets from encounter to encounter, often leaving a trail of chaos in her wake. We are introduced to Faron as he seems to be her sidekick.
At first Faron seems to be an unmotivated slacker. He lives and works with his family and doesn't seem to have any aspirations beyond playing video games and sometimes performing Kung Fu tricks as Koko's sidekick. But out all 3 characters he seems to have the most depth as we learn as a young boy he was fat and teased by other kids. He pushed himself to grow up strong and dangerous. He has a secret which is that he loves Broadway musicals, and his most treasured possession is a poster from the musical Wicked.
This had a very nostalgic feel to the artwork and I had some trouble following the story sometimes as it jumped between characters. I did like how all 3 characters were so different from each other. But when Koko gets to know Jon it inspires her to become a better person and she inspires Faron. The ending is left open as both Koko and Jon follow their hearts to see where life takes them.